News Media Critique: What is Newsworthy?

     What makes an article newsworthy? Is it the fact that it has an impact on the community? The answer is obvious. In order for something to be newsworthy, it needs to impact a large group of people or state. In a recent article from the Courier Journal, it shows coverage from the recent UK and Florida State game. Yes, this was a huge game and ended a very large streak created by the Florida State Gators, but does it really effect anyone else except for Kentucky and Florida? No one cares about the fact that Kentucky ended a 31 game streak, except for the Wildcats and the Gators.
     When searching around the news to find some great articles, the Courier Journal does not make it any easier to find them. The composition of their app is very speratic. It will open with a news breaking article and then suddenly go in to a whole other topic that is worth absolutely nothing, and then go straight in to another news breaking article. For example, Brett Kavanaugh was plastered all over the media, including the Courier Journal, but the main focus immediately following that was an article over the game later that week that involved the Wildcats and the Florida State Gators.
      Beside the composition, they repeat their articles three to four times making it hard to find new articles and new things to read about. This is not an issue if they are reproducing the ones that are genuinely important and if they all represent different things, but they don't. Many of the articles that they reproduce are very repetitive and are irrelevant. This once again links the Courier Journal back to producing non- newsworthy content.
      All in all, the Courier Journal does produce some good articles, but much of the content is not informational. They tend to focus more on the entertainment value, instead of informational. This is not a bad thing, but the Courier Journal is supposed to be a mainly information based media.
