What Mass Communication means to Majorie Mays

     Marjorie Mays says, " I have never really fully comprehended how long and time consuming that process is." It seems that Marjorie and I think similarly. When we started talking about Mass Communication I had a general idea of what it was, but I did not comprehend the whole process until we created the chart with the two faces. I do not necessarily disagree with anything she says, but somethings I understood more than others. For example, after making that statement she talks about the movie making process which is a perfect example of what she was talking about. I love when she said, " I also thought about how bold it is to produce mass communication." This was a new thought that was presented to me when I read her article. I had only thought about Mass Communication as a way to express your ideas to a large group of people, and never actually thought about how brave you have to be do that.
    The overall composition of the article is very good, but after reading it I almost thought it needed more. I wish there was a truly finishing sentence to wrap the whole thing up. I also wish that she would've elaborated on, " 'taking the blow,' " a little more because when I hear that I think of someone getting bantered for speaking out, but I think that is an interesting concept and is a good idea, overall. I personally never would've thought about creating a new element to the process, but after reading her article something that represents the aftermath is a great idea. All in all, the post is very informative and expresses new and fresh ideas.
