Ancient Printing

    Today in class we discussed the importance of ancient printing. We started all the way back during 3500 BCE up until the 16th century. I was skeptical at first of what the lesson would consist of since there was a timeline on the board, but once the lesson started I was intrigued. Even from learning about Mesopotamia in 7th grade I never knew that they actually used stamps and that the Romans used a screw press. I also can't believe that people think that Gutenberg invented the Movable Type Press, when Bi Sheng actually came up with it, and all Gutenberg did was make it out of metal. Yes, it was good that it was made out of metal so it was more durable, but Bi Sheng invented that idea. Other the obvious difference in the material that is it was made out of, Gutenberg also didn't have to work with characters, he had letters that he could use.
     We also discussed the importance of the printing press and it's impacts on the people. In terms of the Renaissance it helped encourage, artistic ideas, religious ideas, and revolutionary ideas. It helped encourage all of those ideas because allowed for people to reach a large group of people a lot easier than having to recite a message, you could send them a letter that included all of the things that needed to be said. Also, the literacy rates improved dramatically because in order to read the letters you needed to be literate and most people were illiterate during that tie period. Another thing is that, it lead to was it created accurate maps because they were able to copy the map after the original was made. This in turn increased trade, better economy, and colonization. Also, with the introduction of a standardized language, the smaller languages were soon forgot and no longer existed. Finally, of course, it lead to the spread of NEWS. In my opinion this is important because it low-key shaped how we spread information now and it helped shape the internet today.
