Bianary Models, Conglomeration, and Demassification

   In class last week we discussed different types of content. There is hot and cool content, information and entertainment, and finally, elitist and populist content. We also came up with our own and my group come up with irrelevant and relevant, local and national, fact and opinion, and most importantly content and distribution. Hot content is something that you can listen too and still be doing something else, and cool content needs your full attention. These were the two types of content that I was most associated with and knew the most about and also information and entertainment. The one that is completely new to me is elitist and populist. Elitist are trying to give people what they think they need instead of what they need, while populist are in favor of whatever is popular. According to Mr. Miller the one that is extremely important is content and distribution. Content is where it is created and distribution is how it is delivered to the public.
   We also learned about conglomeration and conglomerates. Conglomeration is the process of putting similar things together. A conglomerate is the person who puts the similar things together. One example is the Warner Bros. they bought Time-Warner, and then someone else buys Time-Warner. Another example is Disney, Disney owns ESPN, ABC, etc. in order to make the most profit. Which brings me to the fact that a conglomerates number one thing is to create the most money and they will do anything to do that. Finally, we learned about demassification. Demassification is targeting one specific audience and changing their content to fit that audience. Media is trying to stop targeting that specific audience and they are trying to go to everyone.
