Wave 3 News: Are 11 Stories Necessary

    After the Kroger Shooting the news erupted with condolences, stories, and much more. After searching through the Wave website I noticed that they had published 11 separate stories about the shooting, three of which were over the vigils for the victims, one of the stories was about gun control and how that could have affected the Kroger shooting, one was actually over the shooting, three over the suspect, and two over the stores reopening. I get it, this event was tragic and truly shaking, but if you ask me 11 stories is a bit much. They could have combined a lot of those stories and that breaks it down to about five stories and they could've down sized even more from there. Quite frankly they could've wrote one article and easily included everything they needed.
     This happens surprisingly often. One event that comes to mind when I think of over created articles would be the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting. Besides the fact that they did a good job covering the issue, they created 6 articles over the topic. Two of them were about the suspect and his intentions, two of them were over the Louisville community and how they felt about the tragedy, and two about the facts of the shooting. I do not understand why Wave needs that many articles over generally the same thing. They need to start putting their minds together to create one amazing article that would blow everyone away, instead of creating many mediocre articles.
