Wave 3 News: Churchill down track drying time

   There will be a huge race this weekend at Churchill Downs. I don't know if you could tell but it is currently November 1st and it has been raining for two days straight. Wave 3 posted an article about how the track at Churchill Down was flooded and would return back to normal in time for the race. I do in fact think that this important for everyone to know, but I do not think that it needed a full article. I believe that it should be mentioned somewhere but it should be a little side mention instead of a full out article.
     In the article it explains that the track is very tightly compacted, so the rain water sits on top of the track. I almost feel that, that was self explanatory because they often explain that when the race is about to begin. They also explain how that tractors compact all the water back into the soil and I know that Wave cannot change this but it is really confusing how that works. Darren Rogers is a spokesperson for Churchill Downs is hinting at the fact that the race will not be hindered by the rain and that the track will only be a little soft. I do feel that the article had good intentions, but I do not feel that it was presented in the correct way.
